AI Meetings Assistant
created by Anna Kilarska in 2022
I do not have capacity for it at the moment, so I decided to make the file open source
What am I creating?
App that
- is useful during different types of meetings
- facilitates interactivity of meetings
- answers common problems related to the lack of effectiveness of meetings
- makes reporting from meetings easy
- connects speakers to meeting participants
- helps provide structure to meetings
- facilitates problem solving and decision making during meetings
Target users
- Groups of users
- business
- education
- conferences etc.
- remote
- local communities
- potential for product design/ working on specific products
- Types of users
- One speaker + crowd => typically one admin
- working together => 1 admin; 2+ admins; everybody admin
- Technicalities
- Major languages
- Both operating systems
- Online version (to connect to without downloading app) + app to download
- Basic version free - for passive users of the app (e.g. connecting online during a conference)
- Paid version : for admins? for companies? establish the best way
- version for phone + online connecting via website + desktop version
- Technicalities => tools
- 3-7 modules, corresponding to basic user types or types of meetings
- flexible tools
- voice interactions + manual tools
- needs to be superintuitive
Functions of the meetings AI app
- Dealing with swing problem -> reducing the discrepancy between the expectations of people who order a product vs. the actual market demand vs. technical solutions used vs. applied vision of people actually creating a product -> the discrepancy itself can be attributed to a large degree to the lack of common understanding during meetings where the product creation is discussed
- Future: AI meeting assistant; the direction to develop it towards
- Helps introverts with ideas participate (introverts usually have the best ideas, but not always win the discussions with the rest of the participants)
- Tackles the 4% problem: people remember, on average, about 4% of the content of the meeting after it ends -> increasing the percentage and providing record of the crucial aspects of the meeting can benefit all meeting participants as well as help achieving the purpose behind the meeting
- Provides info to people absent at a meeting
- Facilitates reporting + taking notes
- Provides continuity to meetings
- Facilitates planning and task delegation
- Provides tools that facilitate solving problems and making decisions
- Joins remote + real participants
- Provides accessibility for different groups
- Facilitates interactivity (define purposes of interactivity)
- Provides structure to meetings
- Makes meetings more effective
- Helps sharpest ideas and not sharpest pencils win: meaning, the best ideas are more likely to win the discussion, rather than the discussion being won always by people with the highest rank in the company
- Makes meetings more playful
- Enhances creativity in participants
- Connecting participants to speakers
- Timeline/budget/steps building
Purpose of the app
- make meetings more effective and clear
- make meetings less tedious and more interactive
- facilitate active participation
- tackle major problems related to meetings in different settings
- Connecting remote + real participants; speaker + participants; different meetings
1. FUNCTION: Connecting participants to speakers
- facilitate active participation
- connecting speakers + participants
- conferences
- education
- business
- local communities
- remote
1.1. Tool to write everyone's email address in order to send the presentation to them afterwards (GDPR to take into account)
1.2. Sending calendar entries to everyone
1.3. Allowing viewers to mark content on ppt/keynote presentation or other materials, make their notes to it while viewing the presentation
1.4. Solutions that facilitate easier access for people with disabilities (think about details -> accessibility function)
1.5. Solutions that connect remote + real participants (think about details -> joining remote + real participants set of functionalities)
1.6. Virtual hand raising -> less intrusive than actual hand raising; speaker can answer at a convenient moment, wait until the end, ignore it or write to the person who had a question afterwards
1.7. Education module: tools, tests etc. - positive tools, aim at students not hating them
1.8. Tools to prepare materials by the speakers spontaneously and use them during the meeting -> details in 'enhances creativity in participants' function
1.9. Survey questions: 1. multiple choice: default option 2. open-ended questions in the case of smaller meetings 3. could be used in decision-making modules too
1.10. Keyword choice - details in 'enhances creativity in participants' function
1.11. Creating together - writing ideas / associations - creating diagrams - working with keywords -> details in 'enhances creativity in participants function
1.12. Decision-making modules - details in 'provides tools for solving problems & making decisions' function
1.13. Audience questions, written during the lecture -> speaker chooses or voting for them -> possibility to email answers to questions after the meeting -> participants more likely to ask a question if they do not need to speak; possibility to connect (speaker + participant) after the meeting
1.14. Chat between participants / messages
1.15. Solutions for people with disabilities
1.16. Writing ideas / associations with a specific concept and then discussing them
1.17. Brainstorming / developing ideas together
1.18. Simple games
1.19. Warning sign
1.20. Providing data via app to different users
1.21. Future: AI Meeting assistant
1.22. Tools for assigning / inviting workers to meetings
1.23. Recognize : function to recognize faces / voices of workers and assigning them to specific discussion parts in the report from the meeting (problematic: GDPR)
2. FUNCTION: Enhances creativity in participants
- make meetings less tedious + more interactive (2)
- facilitate active participation (3)
- make meetings more effective and clear (1)
1. Business
2. Education
3. Conferences
4. Remote
5. Local communities
2.1. Creating together
2.1.1. writing ideas / associations with a specific concept and then developing them / discussing them
-> ideas / associations appear around that concept with the author marked
-> draw example
-> possible to discuss these associations and go further with them
e.g. 'What is the first word that comes to your head when you think about X ' -> competition, company, concept, idea, person
-> added both with voice interaction + typing
2.1.2. creating diagrams together : different people in the meeting contribute to the diagrams => voice interactions + typing
2.1.3. keyword choice
- draw
- few stages, bubbles
2.2. Slogan building
-> people provide their choice of slogans (...? perhaps start with keywords?), then voting for 3-10 best, then improving them together (Thesaurus, other tools)
-> think whether it makes sense to include it
2.3. Brainstorming / developing ideas together
-> provide a few scenarios / schemes
-> possibility to create own scenarios
-> voice interactions + typing
2.4. Solutions / decision-making module
-> scenarios for choosing the right decision by a group
- considering constraints
- voting
- developing different potential paths
-> both voice + typing
-> anonymous or not
-> research
2.5. Allowing viewers to mark content on presentation
2.6. Tools to prepare materials for the meeting beforehand
2.7. Audience questions
2.8. Anonymous process possible
2.9. Tools for bringing ideas together - not just about who wins the discussion
2.10. provide data via app to other users
2.11. Tools for providing criteria that solutions / ideas must pass in order to get accepted
2.12. Product design paths
2.13. Autoanimations with creative elements
2.14. Interactive learning solutions
2.15. Companies core value checklist (?)
2.16. Tools for processing innovative ideas that come up during meetings through specific channels in the company
2.17. Meeting conclusions tools (?)
3. FUNCTION: Makes meetings more playful
- make meetings less tedious + more interactive (2)
- facilitate active participation (3)
1. Education
2. Remote
3. Local communities
4. Conferences
5. Business
3.1. Simple games
3.2. Drawing (?) participants
3.3. Creating together (see 2.1.)
- writing ideas / associations
- creating diagrams
- keyword choice
3.4. Slogan building (see 2.2.)
3.5. Brainstorming (see 2.3.)
3.6. Warning sign
3.7. Survey questions
3.8. Keyword choice
3.9. Chat between participants
3.10. Tools for bringing ideas together - not just about who wins the discussion
3.11. Voice interactions at almost every stage
3.12. Autoanimations with creative elements
3.13. Interactive learning solutions
4. FUNCTION: Helps sharpest ideas and not sharpest pencils win: meaning, the best ideas are more likely to win the discussion, rather than the discussion being won always by people with the highest rank in the company
- make meetings more effective and clear (1)
- tackle major problems related to meetings in different settings (4)
1. Business
2. Remote
3. Education
4. Conferences
5. Local Communities
- voting / surveys => does not mean that the best idea wins, anonymous though
- anonymous process possible
- users see different ideas brought and presented together; it's not just about who wins the discussion or has a higher rank, participants should base their arguments on concrete concepts that were generated during discussion
- paths for making decisions together
-> constraints taken into account
- decision-making tools
- quick SWOT analysis etc.
- matrix for quick stats that help make decisions based on data
- possibility to provide data via app to other users:
- data that backs up your solution / decision
- evaluating tools
- different criteria, users give points
- tools for providing criteria that solutions / ideas pass in order to be accepted, then, filtering these solutions / ideas through these criteria
- product design paths (?)
- providing tools that allow participants to evaluate ideas/solutions without any reference to people submitting them
- brainstorming
- provide data via app to other users
- tools for running ideas within concrete framework
- company core value checklist (?)
- tools for processing innovative ideas that come up during meetings through specific channels in the company
- recording and saving
- meeting conclusions tools
- key features checklist
5. FUNCTION: Makes meetings more effective
- make meetings more effective and clear (1)
- tackle major problems related to meetings in different settings (4)
1. Business
2. Remote
3. Education
4. Confernces
5. Local Communities
5.1. Tools that facilitate reporting
- details in 'Facilitates reporting + notes'
5.2. Tools for task delegation
- details in 'Planning / task delegation'
5.3. Solutions that provide continuity to meetings
- think about the key to continuity
- details in 'Provides continuity to meetings'.
5.4. Solutions that provide a timeline to meetings
- details in 'Providing structure to meetings'
5.5. Perhaps tools to run meetings within a concrete framework (Scrum etc.)
- strongly consider
5.6. Perhaps tools to run meetings within a concrete framework (Scrum etc.)
- strongly consider
5.7. Tool to write everyone's email address
5.8. Virtual hand raising
5.9. Future: AI meeting assistant
- perhaps with other functionalities too
- direction to develop it towards
+ pretty much any other tool here contributes to the increased effectiveness of meetings
5.10. Solutions that connect remote + real participants
5.11. Education module : tests
5.12. Tools to prepare materials for the meeting beforehand
5.13. Survey questions
5.14. Decision-making module
5.15. Audience questions module
5.16. Brainstorming
5.17. Warning sign
5.18. Anonymous process possible
5.19. Tools for bringing ideas together - not just about who wins the discussion
5.20. Provide data via app to other users
5.21. Evaluating tools
5.22. Tools for providing criteria that solutions / ideas must pass in order to be accepted
5.23. Product design paths
5.24. Voice interactions at almost every stage
5.25. Interactive learning solutions
5.26. Company core value checklist (?)
5.27. Tools for processing innovative ideas that come up during meetings through specific channels in the company
5.28. Joining with planner
5.29. Tools for assigning / inviting workers to meetings
5.30. Meetings visible based on a few keys
5.31. Auto-animations to back up functionalities of different tools
5.32. Squeeze options to incorporate multiple tools
5.33. Quick pinning options -> linking parts of discussion to product development paths / calendar entries / planned events / task management
5.34. Recognize options
5.35. Mark content on the presentation / materials
5.36. History of reporting
5.37. Recording and saving
5.38. Meeting conclusions tools
5.39. AI searching / filtering
5.40. Tools for building budget
5.41. Virtual business card exchange / keeper
5.42. Tool to write everyone's email address
5.43. Sending calendar entries to everyone
6. FUNCTION : Providing structure to meetings
- make meetings more effective and clear (1)
- tackle major problems related to meetings in different settings (4)
1. Business
2. Remote
3. Education
4. Conferences
5. Local Communities
6.1. Solutions that provide timeline to meetings (5.4.)
- timeline frameworks / customizable / possible to create on your own
6.2. Perhaps tools to write meetings within a concrete framework (Scrum etc.) => strongly consider (5.5.)
6.3. Creative tools (2.1.)
6.4. Solutions / decision-making module (2.4.)
6.5. Perhaps tools to develop products along specific paths (5.6.)
6.6. Education module : tests
6.7. Tools to prepare materials for the meeting
6.8. Audience questions module
6.9. Evaluating tools
6.10. Product design paths
6.11. Tools that facilitate reporting
6.12. Tools for task delegation
6.13. Solutions that provide continuity to meetings
6.14. Future : AI meeting assistant
6.15. Joining with planner
6.16. Meetings visible based on a few different keys
6.17. Auto-animations
6.18. Meeting conclusions tools (?)
7. FUNCTION: Interactivity
- make meetings less tedious + more interactive (2)
- facilitate active participation (3)
1. Business / education
2. Remote
3. Conferences etc.
4. Local communities
- bringing users to a playful mode, to invoke creativity
- make meetings more fun
- connect users
- make participants more active
- help users learn effectively
- simple games between iPhones / iPads / computers participating in the meeting
- drawing participants
- creating together
- voice interactions at almost every stage
- autoanimations with interactive elements
- interactive learning solutions -> think about details
- solutions to link the speaker to participants
- virtual hand raising
- asking sb to answer to the question
- warning sign
- questions
- surveys / keyword building etc.
- allowing viewers to mark content on a presentation
- providing solutions for people with disabilities
- solutions that connect remote + real participants
- virtual hand raising
- brainstorming
- future : AI meeting assistant
- AI searching / filtering
8. FUNCTION: Accessibility
- facilitate active participation (3)
- tackle major problems related to meetings in different settings (4)
- connecting (5)
- voice interactions wherever possible
- intuitive
- connecting remote users
- comprehensive
- basic version free
- online version
- modules for the disabled
-> think about details
- tool to write everyone's email address
- sending calendar entries to everyone
- solutions that connect remote + real participants
- audience questions module
- chat between participants
- future : AI meeting assistant
- interactive learning solutions
- tools for assigning / inviting workers to meetings
- meetings visible based on a few keys
- auto-animations
- squeeze
- pin
- recognize
- mark
- history of reporting
- new ways to filter information
- recording & saving
- AI searching / filtering
- possibility to create profile or linking to LI
- virtual hand raising
9. FUNCTION: Joining remote + real participants
- make meetings more effective and clear (1)
- facilitate active participation (3)
9.1. Collaborative tools / creating together
9.2. Diagrams
9.3. Reporting tools
9.4. Chat / messages between participants
9.5. Pretty much any tool from the 'connecting participants' list
9.6. Allowing people to mark content on a presentation
9.7. Solutions for people with disabilities
9.8. Solutions that connect remote + real participants
9.9. Virtual hand raising
9.10. Education module : tests
9.11. Joining remote + real participants
9.12. Keyword choice
9.13. Audience questions : module
9.14. Brainstorming
9.15. Simple games
9.16. Warning sign
9.17. Anonymous process possible
9.18. Tools for bringing ideas together - not just about who wins the discussion
9.19. Provide data via app to other users
9.20. Evaluating tools
9.21. Product design paths
9.22. Tools that facilitate reporting
9.23. Tools for task delegation
9.24. Solutions that provide continuity to meetings
9.25. Tools that provide timeline to meetings
9.26. Tools to run meetings within a concrete framework
9.27. Future: AI meeting assistant
9.28. Joining with planner
9.29. Tools for assigning / inviting workers to meetings
9.30. Auto-animations
9.31. Squeeze
9.32. Recognize
9.33. Mark
9.34. History of reporting
9.35. New filter
9.36. Recording & saving
9.37. AI searching / filtering
9.38. Tools for building budget
9.39. Virtual business card exchange / keeper
9.40. Possibility to create profile or linking to LI
9.41. Tool to write everyone's email address
10. FUNCTION: Provides tools for solving problems and making decisions
- make meetings more effective and clear (1)
- tackle major problems related to meetings in different settings (4)
1. Business
2. Local communities
3. Remote
4. Education
5. Conferences
10.1. Tools for decision-making (4.5.)
- quick SWOT analysis etc.
- include or die matrix
- features choice tools -> to think about
10.2. Possibility to provide data via app to other users (4.6.):
- data that backs up your solution / decision
10.3. Evaluating tools
- different criteria, users give points (4.7.)
10.4. Tools for providing criteria that solutions / ideas must pass in order to be accepted, then filtering these solutions / ideas through these criteria (4.8.)
10.5. Company core value checklist / matrix?
- checking which solution / decision fulfills company core values to the greatest extent
10.6. Tools for processing innovative ideas that come up during meetings through specific channels in the company
- research on the most effective paths
10.7. Survey questions
10.8. Writing ideas and associations with a specific concept and then discussing them
10.9. Slogan building
10.10. Brainstorming
10.11. Anonymous process possible
10.12. Tools for bringing ideas together - not just about who wins the discussion
10.13. Evaluating tools
10.14. Tools for providing criteria that solutions / ideas must pass in order to get accepted
10.15. Product design paths
10.16. Tools that facilitate reporting
10.17. Tools for task delegation
10.18. Future: AI meeting assistant
10.19. Company core value checklist (?)
10.20. Meeting conclusions tools
10.21. Tools for building budget
11. FUNCTION: Planning / task delegation
- make meetings more effective and clear (1)
- tackle major problems related to meetings in different settings (4)
11.1. Joining with planner(s)
11.2. Task delegation tools (research needed)
11.3. Timeline for specific meetings
11.4. Meetings visible based on a few keys
- think about details, crucial
11.5. Tools for assigning / inviting workers to meetings
11.6. Product development paths (future)
11.7. Tools to prepare materials for the meeting
11.8. Tools for bringing ideas together - not just about who wins the discussion
11.9. Provide data via app to other users
11.10. Tools for providing criteria that solutions / ideas must pass in order to get accepted
11.11. Tools that facilitate reporting
11.12. Solutions that provide continuity to meetings
11.13. Tools that provide timeline to meetings
11.14. Tools to run meetings within specific frameworks
11.15. Future: AI meeting assistant
11.16. Pin
11.17. Recognize
11.18. Mark
11.19. History of reporting
11.20. New filter
11.21. Meeting conclusions tool
11.22. AI searching / filtering
11.23. Tools for building budget
11.24. Tool to write everyone's email address
11.25. Sending calendar entries to everyone
12. FUNCTION: Provides continuity to meetings
- make meetings more effective and clear (1)
- tackle major problems related to meetings in different settings (4)
1. Business
2. Remote
3. Local communities
4. Education
5. Conferences
12.1. Meetings visible based on a few keys
- think about details, crucial
12.2. Product development paths (future)
12.3. Tools for setting meetings within particular frameworks (Scrum, etc.)
12.4. Sending calendar entries to everyone
12.5. Product development paths
12.6. Tools that facilitate reporting
12.7. Tools for task delegation
12.8. Solutions that provide continuity to meetings
12.9. Tools that provide timeline to meetings
12.10. Future : AI meeting assistant
12.11. Joining with planner
12.12. Auto
12.13. Squeeze
12.14. Pin
12.15. Mark
12.16. History of reporting
12.17. New filter
12.18. Recording & saving
12.19. Meeting conclusions tools (?)
13. FUNCTION: Facilitate reporting + notes
- make meetings more effective and clear (1)
- tackle major problems related to meetings in different settings (4)
1. Business
2. Remote
3. Education
4. Local communities
5. Conferences
13.1. Auto-animations
13.2. Squeeze
13.3. Pin
13.4. Recognize
13.5. Diagrams
13.6. Notes on presentations
13.7. History of reporting
13.8. Mark
13.9. New filter
13.10. Recording & saving
13.11. Meeting conclusions tools (consider)
13.12. Tool to write everyone's email address
13.13. Sending calendar entries to everyone
13.14. Decision-making tools
13.15. Writing ideas / associations with a specific concept and then discussing them
13.16. Brainstorming
13.17. Tools for bringing ideas together - not just about who wins the discussion
13.18. Provide data via app to other users
13.19. Evaluating tools
13.20. Tools for providing criteria that solutions / ideas must pass in order to get accepted
13.21. Tools that facilitate reporting
13.22. Tools for task delegation
13.23. Solutions that provide continuity to meetings
13.24. Tools that provide timeline to meetings
13.25. Tools to run meetings within specific framework
13.26. Future : AI meeting assistant
13.27. Voice interactions at almost every stage
13.28. Autoanimations with interactive elements
13.29. Joining with planner
13.30. AI searching / filtering
13.31. Tools for building budget
13.32. Allowing viewers to mark content on presentation
14. FUNCTION: Provides info to people absent at a meeting
- tackle major problems related to meetings in different settings (4)
- connecting (5)
1. Business
2. Education
3. Conferences
4. Local communities
5. Remote
14.1. Auto-animations (13.1.)
14.2. Squeeze (13.2)
14.3. Pin (13.3.)
14.4. Diagrams (13.5.)
14.5. Decision-making tools (10.1.)
14.6. History of reporting (13.7.)
14.7. Product development paths (future) (11.5.)
14.8. Recording & saving (13.10)
14.9. Meeting conclusions tools (13.11.)
14.10. Tool to write everyone's email address
14.11. Sending calendar entries to everyone
14.12. Notes on a presentation
14.13. Solutions for people with disabilities
14.14. Solutions that connect remote + real participants
14.15. Decision-making tools
14.16. Brainstorming / developing ideas together
14.17. Tools for bringing ideas together
14.18. Provide data via app to other users
14.19. Tools that facilitate reporting
14.20. Tools for task delegation
14.21. Tools to set meetings within specific frameworks (e.g. Scrum)
14.22. Future: AI meeting assistant
14.23. Joining with planner
14.24. Pin
14.25. Mark
14.26. New filter
14.27. Recording & saving
14.28. AI searching / filtering
15. FUNCTION: Tackles the 4% problem (people usually remember 4% of the content during meetings)
- make meetings more effective and clear (1)
- facilitate active participation (3)
- tackle major problems related to meetings in different settings (4)
1. Business
2. Remote
3. Education
4. Conferences
5. Local communities